2022 Convention Eucharist

On October 28th, St Peter’s hosted the Eucharist for the 2022 Convention of the Episcopal Partnership Dioceses of WNY & NWPA.  Over 250 people were in attendance with The Rt Rev Sean Rowe presiding.

Discover Niagara Shuttle

St. Peter’s is part of the Discover Niagara (Hop on, Hop off) shuttle route. discoverniagarashuttle.com. As part of the “Downtown Experience,” folks can get off the bus at the Niagara Falls Visitor’s Center, 10 Rainbow Blvd, where it is just a...

Blessing Box

This has a direct and immediate impact to the community

Photo Gallery: The Installation of the Rev. Helen O. Harper

On December 9, 2018, The Second Sunday in Advent, Bishop Franklin Installed the Rev. Helen Harper as the Priest-in-Charge of St. Peter’s Church.  The Wardens, and Vestry members were present, as well as Deanery Reps, clergy of the Diocese, family and...